Finsbury Park 2024
During my time at Finsbury Park, I was part of an X-Ray team. The role of an X-Ray team is to communicate with control and exfil patient’s that can be moved to the main med tent. If the patient is incapacitated or unable to be exfilled at that time, then it’s our job to stabilize them to the best of our ability, then exfil them to the main medical centre.
We also have the responsibility of triage. If the patient is heavily intoxicated, that is not a medical emergency and that patient simply requires fluids and rest at The Welfare Centre next door.
We were on standby in the corner of the event in a mini medical centre, codename Mini Med. This was the base for my X-Ray team. We could treat minor injury’s that don’t require main medical attention, such as little cuts or if someone needs to take a seat. We could also use it to help stabilize patients, however, during our time there it was not needed for this.
Saturday was by far our busiest day with multiple OD’s, heavy intoxication and leg / arm breaks.