Continuing Professional Development

A comprehensive log of my ongoing learning and professional growth. Join me as I navigate through new knowledge, skills, and experiences in my field.

  • During my time at Statfold with Tamworth Have a Heart, I taught adults and children the basics of DR ABC's, CPR and AED use.

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  • As part of Tamworth Have a Heart I got to go through a presentation for the Police Cadets as well as go through DR ABC's, CPR and AED use.

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  • During my time at Sundown, I was faced with patients who were intoxicated via the means of alcohol, drugs or otherwise. I was part of an Alpha unit, which are usually situated on trucks. However, due to the size of the event we were deployed in the same way as an x-ray crew. DR protocols…

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  • At Leeds Festival I worked both in the Main Medical Centre and as the Arena Controller. During my time in the Main Medical Centre I found myself cleaning anything from a head wound to hand wounds, doing observations on patients and helping management with fixing technical issues. During my time in the Control Room I…

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  • During my time at Y Not Festival I was a solo night Controller. I was responsible for up to 3 X-Ray units, 2 Alpha units and a unit me and another Responder came up with called Gator. Gator was used as a mobile unit for stable people that needed transfering to either our main medical…

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  • While at Wireless I worked both in the the medical tent and in Control as comms. I worked with other control units to relay patients and eventually information to our bases and x-ray units. We made use of landmarks, grid references and CCTV navigation to get our units to where they needed to be. Day…

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  • During my time at Finsbury Park, I was part of an X-Ray team. The role of an X-Ray team is to communicate with control and exfil patient's that can be moved to the main med tent. If the patient is incapacitated or unable to be exfilled at that time, then it's our job to stabilize…

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  • I worked from June 12th to June 17th which is the full Festival. I worked within the main medical tent situated within a building called 'The Launchpad'. I dealt with everything from small grazes to someone that had pulled all of their shoulder ligaments within their shoulder. Some of my personal highlights:

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  • Passed

    Capacity and Consent

    Capacity and Consent is crucial in the medical sector. It involves understanding whether a person is capable of making informed decisions about their treatment or life-saving interventions. This means assessing their ability to understand the information given to them, retain it, weigh the potential risks and benefits, and communicate their decision. When a person lacks…

    Started: 17/05/2024

    Finished: 17/05/2024

    Total Hours: 1

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  • Passed

    Big Sick Little Sick

    Big Sick Little Sick is a form of triaging to determine if this patient requires more urgent support than another patient. An extreme example would be someone that has lost a limb but has a tourniqué applied and is stable, versus someone in the middle of a heart attack. In this example, the patient that…

    Started: 17/05/2024

    Finished: 17/05/2024

    Total Hours: 1

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Great job! 🎉